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Faculty of Languages & Literature

English Literature – Prof. Dr. Florian Klaeger

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28-30 November, 2024:
International conference, The Poetics of Early Modern Scientific Poetry

University of Bayreuth, Tagungszentrum des SWO

Draft programme:

Thursday, 28 November

  • 15:30      Welcome
  • 16:00      Keynote address, Rüdiger Zymner (Wuppertal): "Poesia et scientiae. Didactic Poetry in the Early Modern Period"
  • 17:00      Coffee break
  • 17:30—19:00     
    Enrico Piergiacomi (Haifa): "The Master of Transparency. Fracastoro’s Naugerius and the Foundation of Medical Poetry"
    Ramune Markevičiūtė (FU Berlin): "From Epic Tumult to a Quiet Language of Things.The Scientific Revolution and the Poetics of Latin Didactic Poetry"
    Felix Sprang (Siegen): "‘Send me thy grace to make explanacion / Of Chaos’: The Poetics of Plain Style"
  • 20:00 Dinner (self-paid, Manns Bräu, Friedrichstraße 23, 95444 Bayreuth)

Friday, 29 November

  • 9:00      Keynote address, Vladimir Brljak (Durham): "New Science and New Criticism: Poetics among the Disciplines in Seventeenth-Century England"
  • 10:00      Coffee break
  • 10:30—12:00
    Irina Tautschnig (York): "‘La philosophie d’aujourd’hui s’humanise’: The Poetics and Reception of Carlo Noceti’s Iris and Aurora borealis"
    Claudia Schindler (Hamburg): "Neo-Latin Didactic Poetry between Poetry and Science: Giuseppe Mazzolari’s Electricorum libri (1767)"
    Reto Rössler (Flensburg): "(Re-)Foundations of Didactic Poetry between Anthropology, Empirical Psychology and Aesthetics: Christoph Joseph Sucro and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Responding to Pope"
  • 12:00—13:00 Lunch (in situ)
  • 13:00—14:30
    Stefano Gulizia (Milan): "Scientific Poetry, Prophecy, and Naturwissenschaft from Leiden to Hamburg"
    Beth Dubow (Oxford): "Scientific Poetry and the Early Modern Acrostic"
    Kathryn Murphy (Oxford): "Enjambment at the End of the World"
  • 14:30 Coffee break
  • 15:00—16:30
    Ana Fernandez-Grandizio (Cambridge): "The Poetics of Anatomical Verse in Phineas Fletcher’s The Purple Island"
    Roslyn Irving (Mainz): "Prospect: Visualisation, Triangulation, and the Matter of Perspective"
    Lukas Etter (Siegen): "Hounds Chasing Rhymes: On a 1730 Introduction to Writing Enigmas and Mathematical Problems in Verse"
  • 16:30 Coffee break
  • 17:00—18:00
    Jean Eynard (Cambridge): "‘Communities of Senses’: Natural Philosophy and the Limits of Synaesthesia in Cavendish and Butler"
    Rana Banna (UC London): "‘Harmonious numbers’: A Seventeenth-Century Scientific Poetics"

  • 20:00      Conference dinner (Liebesbier, Andreas-Maisel-Weg 1, 95445 Bayreuth)

Saturday, 30 November

  • 9:00—10:30
    Esther Bancroft (Glasgow): "The Early Modern Poetic Vacuum"
    Kevin Killeen (York): "The Outrageous Inner Lives of Plants: Tact and Abortion in Abraham Cowley’s Herb Garden"
    Christian Meierhofer (Bonn): "The Poetic Potentials of Alchemy. German-speaking Baroque Mysticism and Its ‘Scientific’ Poetry"
  • 10:30 Coffee break
  • 11:00—12:30
    Imogen Choi (Oxford): "‘No secret of nature would surprise me now’: The Poetics of Marine and Space Exploration in Miguel de Silveira’s El Macabeo"
    Charlotte Newcombe (York): "Personification or Panpsychism? The Empedoclean Roots of Anne Bradstreet’s ‘The Foure Elements’ (1650)"
    Shankar Raman (MIT): "‘A just and regular catastrophe’: Movement in Samson Agonistes"

  • 12:30 Lunch (cafeteria)
  • 13:30 Closing remarks
  • 14:30 Guided tour (optional)

Webmaster: Prof. Dr. Florian Klaeger

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